ENDRESS Elektrogerätebau GmbH Neckartenzlinger Straße 39, 72658 Bempflingen
+49 (0) 7123 / 97 37 - 0
© 2025 ENDRESS Elektrogerätebau GmbH
Operating time (hrs)
This is approximately equivalent to the CO₂ amount per person of a flight from Frankfurt to Munich. One-way flight about 298 km.
For comparison with an inverter generator with 1.8 kW power with a load reduction of 75% power. This result is a simplified value and does not correspond to the exact CO2 saving.
This is approximately equivalent to the CO₂ amount per person of a flight from Frankfurt to London. One-way flight about 653 km.
This is approximately equivalent to the CO₂ amount per person of a flight from Frankfurt to Mallorca. One-way flight about 1249 km.
This is approximately equivalent to the CO₂ amount per person of a flight from Frankfurt to Dubai. One-way flight about 4839 km.
This is approximately equivalent to the CO₂ amount per person of a flight from Frankfurt to Miami. One-way flight about 7760 km.
This is approximately equivalent to the CO₂ amount per person of a flight from Frankfurt to Sydney. One-way flight about 16561 km.
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